Buses and Trains to Oregon State University

Popular Departure Points to Oregon State University

Portland, OR
3h 19m
Albuquerque, NM
2d 6h
Seattle, WA
7h 25m
Kennewick, WA
9h 25m
Sacramento, CA
22h 16m
Salem, OR
0h 55m
Tacoma, WA
6h 42m
Eugene, OR
1h 45m

All Departure Points

Albuquerque, NM - $333
City University of Seattle - $56
College of Santa Fe at Albuquerque - $333
Eugene, OR - $21
Kennewick, WA - $?
Lewis & Clark College - $27
Northwest University - $56
Oregon Health & Science University - $27
Pacific Lutheran University - $66
Portland State University - $27
Portland, OR - $27
Reed College - $27
Sacramento, CA - $93
Salem, OR - $11
Seattle University - $56
Seattle, WA - $56
Tacoma, WA - $66
The Art Institute of Portland - $27
The Art Institute of Seattle - $56
University of New Mexico - $333
University of Oregon - $21
University of Phoenix-New Mexico - $333
University of Phoenix-Oregon - $27
University of Phoenix-Sacramento Valley - $93
University of Portland - $27
University of Puget Sound - $66
University of Washington - $56
University of Washington-Tacoma - $66
Willamette University - $11