Buses and Trains from Roswell, NM

Popular Destinations from Roswell, NM

Albuquerque, NM
3h 16m
Salt Lake City, UT
2d 8h
Brevard, NC
2d 11h
Greenville, SC
2d 11h
Provo, UT
2d 6h

All Departure Points

Albuquerque, NM - $35
Asheville, NC - $285
Blackfoot, ID - $256
Bob Jones University - $285
Brevard, NC - $285
Brigham Young University - $502
College of Santa Fe at Albuquerque - $35
Furman University - $285
Greenville, SC - $285
Greenwood, SC - $285
Heber, UT - $502
Idaho Falls, ID - $256
Idaho State University - $256
North Greenville University - $285
Pocatello, ID - $256
Provo, UT - $502
Salt Lake City, UT - $256
University of New Mexico - $35
University of North Carolina at Asheville - $285
University of Phoenix-New Mexico - $35
Westminster College - $256