Buses and Trains from Shelton, WA

Popular Destinations from Shelton, WA

Portland, OR
2h 19m
Seattle, WA
1h 48m
Spokane, WA
11h 33m
Astoria, OR
7h 49m
Bellingham, WA
4h 22m
Longview, WA
1h 1m

All Departure Points

Astoria, OR - $44
Bellingham, WA - $42
City University of Seattle - $17
Coeur d'Alene, ID - $71
Gonzaga University - $71
Lewis & Clark College - $25
Longview, WA - $18
Northwest University - $17
Oregon Health & Science University - $25
Portland State University - $25
Portland, OR - $25
Reed College - $25
Seattle University - $17
Seattle, WA - $17
Spokane, WA - $71
The Art Institute of Portland - $25
The Art Institute of Seattle - $17
University of Phoenix-Oregon - $25
University of Portland - $25
University of Washington - $17
Western Washington University - $42
Whitworth University - $71