Columbia, SC , Sumter Street Transit Station

The stop for arrivals and departures in Columbia, SC is located at the Sumter Street Transit Station, 1780 Sumter Street, at the intersection of Sumter Street and Laurel Street.
Note: Routefriend is not affiliated with Megabus. We strive for accuracy but we are not the official source.
Popular Destinations

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Athens, GA , Athen... $12 2h 0m schedules & fares
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Nearby Stations

ProviderStationDistance (miles)
Greyhound Columbia Bus Stati... 0.92
Amtrak Columbia, SC 1.1
GotoBus 1729 Broad River Road 3.57
GotoBus 1729 Broad River Road 3.57
GotoBus 2345 Broad River Rd 4.12