Duluth Univ Of Mn, MN

175 Kirby Student Ctr, Duluth, Minnesota 55812
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Popular Destinations

DestinationPrice FromDuration From
Wausau Transit Ctr... $29 6h 35m schedules & fares
Madison, WI $44 10h 0m schedules & fares
Omaha, NE $128 17h 30m schedules & fares
Milwaukee, WI $49 6h 5m schedules & fares
Winnipeg, MB $213 3d 0h schedules & fares
Boston, MA $178 1d 19h schedules & fares
Nearby Stations

ProviderStationDistance (miles)
Amtrak Duluth, MN 0.07
Skyline Duluth - Radisson 2.64